Dr. LIU Zongyi

Senior Fellow at National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the PRC

LIU Zongyi, Senior Fellow, Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Expert in ethnic studies of National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the PRC. He is now the Director of the Research Office of Major Power Relations of the Institute for International Strategic and Security Studies and the Secretary-General of China and South Asia Center, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS). His research interests mainly focus on India’s Economy and Foreign Policy, China’s Foreign Policy, BRICS, and G-20. In recent years, Dr. Liu published a lot of papers in Chinese and overseas journals on these subjects, and published more than 300 pieces of commentation articles in Chinese or English in newspapers. Dr. Liu got a B.A. in Economics from Shandong University of Finance and Economics and a diploma for Chinese and American Studies from The Johns Hopkins University Nanjing Centre. He obtained Master and PhD degrees in International Relations from China Foreign Affairs University. He ever studied at German Development Institute (D.I.E), OECD, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C., Indian National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), and Institute of Stategic Studies of Islamabad (ISSI) as visiting fellow.